LearnEco Demo

LearnEco software application enables workplaces to plan and implement a strategy that creates a people first Learning Ecosystem (LearnEco).This is based on 3 key elements.
It starts with PEOPLE.
Continues with adaptable TECHNOLOGIES for your workplace.
Aligns to relevant THEORY to enable workplaces to navigate the future of learning and working.

Putting people first in your learning, training or education strategy

Putting people first in your workplace is to understand the people lifecycle, identify the challenges at each stage of the people lifecycle, meet the learning needs of people and reengage people as they navigate through each stage of the lifecycle. It is for the starters, the returners, the leavers, the navigators and the changers.

Kathy Wooller standing

Learning Technology utilisation to support people to learn

For workplaces to have a people first approach to their learning strategy. Learning ecosystems that combine people, technology and theory are essential as we navigate towards the future of learning and working. To put people first means to understand their challenges, motivations and strengths and weave a learning ecosystem. LearnEco aims to support workplaces, learning leaders and decision makers to put people first in learning, training and education. LearnEco is a software app that allows workplace leaders and decisions makers to be people centred.

Kathy Wooller

When you combine history with curiosity and innovation you leave a legacy.

The learning experiences we have as people continue to shape and influence the future of working and learning. By identifying and applying relevant learning theories that are beneficial to your workplace we can navigate with people as they navigate lifecycle. This is right for your workplace is you are a learning myth, tick box training and transactional learning free space.

Evolve Pro Australia

LearnEco is provided to workplaces by Evolve Pro Australia. LearnEco is designed to set up, refresh and progress workplaces towards a learning ecosystem that puts people first, aligns smart technologies with a foundation in relevant learning pedagogies by reviewing your current or in progress strategy to put people first.Copyright 2022 Evolve Pro Australia | All Rights Reserved